Sunday 19 August 2012

Lee Shu Hui
Pencil on Paper

So this is Paul from Boys Like Girls. I chose to draw him solely because of the astonishing aesthetic qualities of his face. :B that's why all the details are only in his face. and I just skimmed through everything else. but then again, the popular cliches spring to mind: "don't judge a book by its cover" and "beauty is only skin-deep". I love the way he looks when he's singing - a very earnest look. I thought I should capture it down. So I put the video on pause and started drawing. Anyway I admire his Middle-Eastern exotic look. By the way that's him singing and playing the guitar. He's harmonizing with the lead singer.

A challenge I faced when drawing: The still of him was really small, because I was referring to the video on my iPhone. But with persistence, all challenges can be overcome.

This work shows evidence of my growth towards my goal (made when I was younger) to successfully depict the human form realistically because I think this drawing looks quite realistic. I mean, look at his face and ignore the other scribbles that vaguely depict form.

I think it's important to include this work in the portfolio because, as I'm painting the human face and form for my coursework, I should show some growth and practice from previous years in depicting the human face and figure.

One thing I learnt about myself through this work, after the sense of satisfaction I received at the end of it, was that I enjoy depicting the human form realistically and facing and overcoming the challenges of doing so.

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